Team Meeting June 2024

Team Meeting June: Fun with MJR Games and alpacas

This week, on June 10 and 11, the second MJR Team Meeting in 2024 took place. In this report we summarize the program and activities.

mjr knittlingen team 2024


On Monday, the entire MJR team met at the Eventhaus in Helmsheim at Feldenguts. This was our location for both meeting days this time.

At around 9 a.m., our CEO Michael Raber opened the day with his presentation. Here, everyone was given an overview of general topics as well as the current status and news in the company. Another major topic that is currently being focused on at MJR is AI. Michael Raber had already touched on a number of topics on Monday, which were discussed in greater depth on Tuesday. Marcel Kosel continued with an update on sales activities. This included the current leads & opportunities, as well as the status of other customer projects.

The MJR Games started after the lunch break. There was a colorful mix of indoor and outdoor games. For example, exit games, cornhole and kubb could be played. In the evening, there was a big barbecue in the Feldengut Eventhaus with all kinds of delicacies from the smoker.
mjr meeting_june2024


Alexandra from the accounting team opened Tuesday morning with her presentation. This was followed by presentations on IT security, integration, IOT and virtual reality. This was followed by the discussion round on AI (artificial intelligence), which had already begun on Monday.

In the afternoon, everyone drove on to Keltern-Dietenhausen to the Oh la Llama Farm. We spent over an hour walking around the farm with 2 llamas, 4 sheep, 3 donkeys and 5 alpacas. The farm is in a very idyllic location between the forest and some fields. For some of the two-legged friends, the tour was not so easy to master, because even alpacas have a mind (and a way) of their own. With a few cold drinks & snacks on the Oh la Llama farm we were able to round off the meeting days together.

MJR Meeting June

We are already looking forward to the next meeting in November. Then we will also be celebrating our 15th MJR anniversary. So we are already excited how this two day anniversary event will be celebrated in November and what surprises will happen – Stay tuned!

MJR from above!
MJR from above!
© 2024 MJR GmbH
inPower 2024 Milwaukee: 23. – 26.9.2024
Efficiency through integration: ERP systems improve the flow of information