Infor ERP XA – Competence Center

Infor ERP XA
Infor ERP XA

Welcome to MJR

to our Infor ERP XA competence center. As the leading Infor XA partner MJR provides a lot of free information for the XA community.

On this page you will find information about Infor XA functionality, XA technology like SystemLink, ClientLink or Infor OS as technology platform. We also provide information about related MJR products or partner products.

If you have any question about the content of Infor XA competence center or if you have any question about things which are not yet mentioned here, do not hesitate to contact us. We try to build up a collection of ressources for XA. Please use the contact form at the end of the page.

Whats new?

The section „What’s new?“ helps you to stay tuned. We will add links to each new article sort by creation/update date descending. So just checkout this section to know if there is something new.

Features explained

In this section we explain features in Infor XA which are maybe not yet known.

AddOns and tools

contains several tools or products we provide for Infor XA

XA technology and integration

 explains technical stuff about Infor XA and how to connect any other systems to XA (preferred through ION)

Related products

helps to find partner products for Infor XA

Things you should know

is a collection of miscellaneous information, which doesn’t fit for any other category

Whats new? (Recent posts)

AddOns and tools for Infor XA

Related products for Infor XA

Any questions or proposals for new content? Please leave us a message. We will try to help.