The 15th of July in 2010 was a historic date for our company, that we have now celebrated 10 years later. It was the starting date of employment for Petra Goll, the first employee of MJR GmbH. Our success story started with Petra, which has led to a team of more than 20 employees and in which she still plays a major role today. With the highest commitment to our customers and an unbelievable precision in her work, she was able to create enthusiasm already in the first years. One of our customers gave the following comment about her work in 2011: „If you have Mrs. Goll, then you have no more problems“. This is still the case today. In countless projects, Petra has again and again worked out solutions for our customers, where sometimes no solution seemed possible. Now it is the time to look back with great gratitude and recognition of the management and the whole MJR team for all her work. We are looking forward to tackling new tasks together and continuing the success story. THANK YOU Petra!!!